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Health Care

Hilary believes that every American should have access to high quality, affordable health care.  No one should ever be one medical emergency away from bankruptcy. No one should ever have to make the choice between paying for life-saving treatment or medication instead of putting food on the table or heating their home.

Having worked in a community health crisis clinic, Hilary knows firsthand how families struggle when people can’t access the care they need to get better. And having been diagnosed nine years ago with a rare autoimmune disease, she also knows the high costs of prescription drugs and medical care costs.

In Congress, Hilary will stand up to Big Pharma and fight to lower prescription drug costs, expand mental health care, and create more options for opioid treatment to heal our communities that desperately need help. Hilary understands the challenges that our rural communities face with long drives to understaffed hospitals and urgent care facilities. That’s why she will work to keep rural hospitals open and ensure they have the resources they need.

And she will always fight to ensure that a woman’s health care decisions remain between her and her doctor and that abortion care is safe, legal, and accessible to all who need it.

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Breaking News: Seattle Times Endorses Hilary for Her Bipartisan Leadership
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